Radar and Remote Sensing Laboratory


Degree Program: M.Sc. in Communications Engineering 

CFU/ECTS:    6       SSD: ING-INF/03 

Timetable (2024/25)  -  II SEM (FEB-MAY) 

VEN 08:00-13:00 (Aula 20) 

Lecturers:   F. Colone, D. Pastina


Google Classroom: 

Code: 7hzvxv4

Students are kindly requested to subscribe at their earliest convenience  using Sapienza credentials.

Request for appointments

Please contact the lecturers by e-mail to schedule an appointment 

Objective of the course

The basic principles are presented for: (i) computer simulation of typical operational scenarios for remote sensing systems operation, (ii) computer and/or real-time hardware implementation of the main radar signal processing techniques. 

At the end of the course the student has the knowledge required for the simulation and the implementation of the signal processing portion of the receiving chain for various radar remote sensing systems that can be used for preliminary systems design and/or performance analysis.